COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions for New and Expectant Mothers

COVID-19 vaccine Frequently Asked Questions for those who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breastfeeding or pumping


We highly recommend anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding get both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. We also know this is a personal choice. In addition to reading the facts below, please talk with your health care provider about any questions or hesitations.

To date, these specific vaccines have not been studied in pregnant humans. However, doctors and scientists feel confident recommending that pregnant and lactating people get a COVID-19 vaccine because:

•   the effects of similar vaccines have been studied during pregnancy and did not show negative effects

•   the COVID-19 vaccine has been studied in pregnant rats and did not show negative effects

•   the COVID-19 disease itself tends to be more severe in pregnant people

Thus, receiving the vaccine is believed to be safer than getting COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccines cannot cause COVID-19 infection.

•   The vaccine may cause uncomfortable side effects. This is a normal reaction caused by the body developing antibodies to protect against COVID-19 illness.

•   Injection site reactions (e.g., redness, soreness) are the most common.

•   Other common reactions are achiness and fatigue.

•   In most cases, any side effects will be less severe and resolve faster than the effects of the virus itself.

•   Since the vaccine does not contain the virus, there is no risk of breastmilk containing the virus. We do not yet know about other ways these specific COVID-19 vaccines impact lactation. Similar vaccines have not shown any risk to an infant receiving breastmilk.

•   The COVID-19 vaccine cannot change your DNA, the DNA of your fetus, or the DNA of your baby via breastmilk.

•   There is no evidence that the vaccines impact fertility, including egg and sperm quality or quantity. You may get the vaccine while trying to conceive.

•   Vaccines from both companies have been shown to be about 95% effective at preventing COVID-19 illness after the second dose. Since people under 16 years old cannot get the COVID-19 vaccine, you will help protect babies and children by getting yours.