Weekly Schedule of COVID Vaccination Clinics in Baltimore City

Where To Get Vaccinated in Baltimore City

Winter 2023-24 COVID Vaccine Information

On September 12th, 2023, the CDC authorized an updated version of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older. These vaccines have been updated for the 2023-2024 respiratory virus season, and they target the most prevalent COVID virus variant, XBB.1.5.

Stay up to date on vaccinations for the greatest protection against COVID-19!

Who can get the updated vaccine?

Anyone ages 6 months and up can get an updated vaccine, regardless of previous vaccination status. Most people only need a single dose of the updated 2023-24 vaccine.

5 years and older: Get 1 dose of updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. If you've gotten a previous COVID vaccine, you should get the new one at least 2 months after your last dose.

6 months - 4 years old: Talk to your child's doctor about which updated COVID vaccine is recommended - if they have been vaccinated in the past, recommendations depend on which brand of vaccine they previously received. If they have never been vaccinated against COVID-19, they will receive either 2 doses of updated Moderna vaccine or 3 doses of updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

65 years and older: You are able to get a second dose of updated 2023-24 vaccine if you got your previous dose of this vaccine at least 4 months ago.

People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised: Talk to your doctor about when and how often you should get the updated COVID vaccine. If you have been vaccinated in the past, you can get one or more doses of the updated vaccine now. If you have never been vaccinated against COVID-19, you can get three doses of the updated vaccine in order to be fully protected now.

Can I still get the updated COVID-19 vaccine for free?

Yes. Just like other vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines are now covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private health insurance plans. If you do not have health insurance or if your insurance doesn't cover vaccination, you are eligible to receive your updated COVID-19 vaccine through the national Bridge Access Program.

Where can I find the updated vaccine?

Visit vaccines.gov to find a pharmacy location near you and make an appointment. Baltimore City Health Department is also offering walk-in vaccination opportunities at our Immunizations clinic and other community locations - see list below.

If you are homebound and need to receive your COVID-19 and flu shots at home, please call (443)-984-8650 and follow the prompts to connect to our At-Home vaccination program.

The Baltimore City Health Department recommends that all eligible residents receive the mRNA vaccine - Moderna or Pfizer. If an individual 18 years and older is unable to receive a mRNA vaccine due to a history of allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, or other contraindication a Novavax vaccine may be given.

Get Vaxxed Baltimore City walk-up clinics

Walk-Up clinics for vaccinations - no appointments needed

If you lost or damaged your vaccination card,  go to MyIR Mobile to view and print a copy of your records.

**NOTE: BCHD's community vaccine clinics are for people without insurance to cover vaccination services.

If you have health insurance, please visit vaccines.gov to find a pharmacy near you to schedule your vaccination appointments.

Thursday May 9th

CASA de Maryland

2706 Pulaski Hwy. 


Pfizer vaccine for ages 5+ and flu shots for ages 9+

Friday May 10th

Salem United Methodist Church

3405 Gough St. 


Pfizer vaccine for ages 5+ and flu shots for ages 9+

BCHD Immunizations Clinic

1200 E. Fayette St. 


Moderna or Pfizer vaccine and flu shots for all ages 6 months and up

Sacred Heart Church

600 S. Conkling St. 


Pfizer vaccine for ages 5+ and flu shots for ages 9+

Wednesday May 15th

Oliver Senior Center- Wellness Expo - Adults Only

1700 N. Gay St. 


Moderna or Pfizer vaccine for adults ages 18+

Additional adult vaccines (Pneumonia, Shingles, RSV, Tdap) available with insurance

Friday May 17th

Sacred Heart Church

600 S. Conkling St. 


Pfizer vaccine for ages 5+ and flu shots for ages 9+

Saturday May 18th

Shepherd's Clinic, Joy Wellness Center

2800 Kirk Ave. 


Moderna vaccine and flu shots for ages 3+

Tuesday May 21st

Franciscan Center

101 W. 23rd St. 


Pfizer vaccine for ages 5+ and flu shots for ages 9+

Curtis Bay Elementary School - Judy Center

4301 W. Bay Ave. 


Moderna vaccine and flu shots for ages 3+

Thursday May 23rd

CASA de Maryland

2706 Pulaski Hwy. 


Pfizer vaccine for ages 5+ and flu shots for ages 9+

Saturday May 25th

Healing Spring Jam

312 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. 


Pfizer vaccine for ages 5+ and flu shots for ages 9+