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COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions

Baltimore Versus COVID Contact Tracing Graphics

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions Graphics

City Services Graphics

Social Distancing 101 Graphics

Mental Health Graphics

PSA Graphics

Funerals Graphic

CDC Graphics

Business Signage

Contact Tracing

What is the COVID-19 Vaccine? ●	The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick with COVID-19  ●	The vaccine comes in two shots. After getting your first shot, you will take the second shot in 3-4 weeks. You need to wait 2 weeks after your second s

PDF Version


Image: Mayor Brandon Scott with hands folded, wearing a face mask. A blue phone screen with contact "MD COVID" calling. Text reads "Its Baltimore versus COVID, Answer the Call to Help US Win. Picking up the phone for MD COVID is our best defense to stop the spread. And your privacy is always guaranteed. Baltimore City Health Department

A Black and white photo of rowhomes with snow falling. In front , a cell phone with MD COVID calling. Text reads: Make your list, check it twice. Know your contacts, or pay the price. Baltimore City Health Department.

A Black and white photo of rowhomes with snow falling. In front , a cell phone with MD COVID calling. Text reads: Picking up the phone for MD COVID is our best defense to stop the spread. To learn more, visit Baltimore City Health Department


Visit for information about symptoms and transmission of coronavirus

Please wear a face cloth covering over both your nose and mouth to best prevent the spread of disease.

PDF Version

Symptoms include cough, fever greater than 100.4 and shortness of breath Older adults, and those with underlying health conditions are at risk for serious illness
Try to stay at least 6 feet away from others Stay home when you are sick, avoid close contact and wash your hands
Call your doctor if you are feeling ill. Call 2-1-1 if you do not have a primary care physician If you have travelled recently, stay home for 2 weeks and monitor yourself for symptoms.
Visit for the most up to date guidance on allowable activities Visit for the most up to date guidance on COVID-19
Call 211 for non-emergency COVID-19 issues DOT parking enforcement and ticketing during the covid19 outbreak
Baltimore Public Markets will suspend operations at 5pm based on the governor's announcement Call 2-1-1 or visit for a list of where to be tested
visit for COVID-19 small loans available to businesses. Status of Baltimore city services. For more information about current services, call 3-1-1.

Social distance, at least 6 feet away from others, and remain home as much as possible


How to social distance as an extrovert

Throw a virtual dance party Go offline & go outside
Start a hobby Hangout with your friends online

Host a cooking competition


The Stay at Home order asks residents to stay home unless for an essential reason

Visit for information related to housing guidelines affected by COVID

Is estimated that up to 1 out of 3 Baltimore city residents will need food assistance in June.

It's normal to feel stressed and upset during a crisis. We have some suggestions to help.

Take a break from the news, turn off push notifications, verify your sources

Do things that give you joy and maintain familiar routines.

Take a walk, go to the park, and focus on movement and exercise.

Check-in with your loved ones, reach out for support

Go online to stream music, participate in support groups or connect with friends!

Download a meditation app like Insight, Calm, Timer or Headspace. Remember to breathe!

We're here to help. Call 410-433-5175


Keep six feet of distance between you and other people, wash your hands frequently, cover your face

PDF Link: English, Spanish


Social distancing during a pandemic saves lives. PDF Link

Stay in FormationPDF Link

Stay home as much as possible during the coronavirus pandemicPDF Link

Stay home as much as possible during the coronavirus. Check-in with friends virtually. PDF Link

Not all heroes wear capes, some binge watch tv shows. Stay home, save a life, during the pandemicPDF Link


Not all heroes wear capes. Some send love to older adults from a distance. Stay home to save a life.

PDF Link


Not all heroes wear capes. Some send love to older adults from a distance. Stay home to save a life.

PDF Link

Not all heroes wear capes, some do home workouts. Stay home to save a life.

PDF Link

Medical experts advise you to stay 6 feet away from others in public, that's the size of a bench


Do not drink or inject disinfectant. Visit for more information.


Having a cookout with just the people you live with is ok, not with everyone you know


Visit for information about safely honoring the passing of loved ones

Visit for what you need to know about coronavirus disease

Wash Your Hands Poster- English

Cover your cough to stop the spread of germs

Cubra su tos para detener la propagación de la enfermedad.

Avoid close contact, cover your cough and sneeze, stay home when sick and wash hands to reduce germs

Evite el contacto cercano, cubra su tos y estornudos, quédese en casa cuando esté enfermo


Family matters, but so does stopping the spread of disease. Check in with loved ones virtually.

Family matters, but so does stopping the spread of disease. Keep your distance

La familia si importa, pero parar la transmision de la enfermedad importa tambien

Apply for unemployment insurance by calling 410-949-0022

Call Maryland Access Point at 410-396-2273 for resources for older adults age 60 and up.


Signage for Businesses


Stay six feet from other people at all times in this store!

PDF Link


Stay 6 feet away from other customers and staff while waiting in line at a store.

PDF Download Links: English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Korean


What is Contact Tracing


Contact tracing is a tool used by public health workers to stop the spread of disease


Here's how it works. You'll get a call from the Health Department to talk about your recent movements. Please answer the call! Its important to help stop the spread of disease.


Please take Baltimore City Contact Tracing Calls seriously! WE will never ask for a social security number, credit card information or immigration status

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